Hear ye, hear ye! After months of mental preparation and several hours of actual preparation, the fifth mixup match is finally here. As usual, we’ve joined some of the most prominent people in the gaming community for a friendly match of Team Fortress 2. Among others, we’ve gathered game developers, self-proclaimed comedians, community contributors, commentators, Counter-Strike connoisseurs and crafty miners to participate in the match. The only thing missing is you, the ordinary, not-so-famous, everyday gamer. We’ve decided to reserve three player slots in the match, which will be given out at random to three donors who enter a raffle.
How do I enter the raffle?
You enter the contest by sending a donation to Doctors Worldwide, via our charity page. Your chances of winning in the raffle is based on your donation amount, so the more you donate, the greater your chances of winning! But don’t forget to donate before the time runs out! The raffle will be closed and the winners will be picked on the 26th of November.
Yay, what do I win?
If you win the raffle, you’ll not only get the unique opportunity to play with some great people, but you’ll also win signed merchandise from Valve. Check out some of the swag one of our previous winners received:

Team Fortress 2 swag given to one of our previous winners!
The match will be played sometime in early december, so make sure to keep your calendars clear. But even if you’re not able to join the match, you’ll still receive your merchandise.
Who do I get to play with?
For this match, we’re joined by some of our most loyal players, such as Notch, Robin Walker, The Yogscast and Freddie Wong, who have participated in our previous matches. We’ve also found a couple of new players, namely Counter-Strike legend cArn, Starcraft player and commentator Day[9], as well as YouTube celebrity Tay Zonday. Overall, we have developers from Valve, Gearbox, Bethesda and Trendy Entertainment participating in the match.
If you want to see the full roster for the match, go to our donation page. There, you can also read about Doctors Worldwide and why you should donate to their cause. Even if you don’t win, your donation will contribute to a great cause, so make sure to donate and tell your friends to donate as well!
To receive future announcements and exclusive updates from the TF2mixup team, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Who knows, we may also be handing out a couple of Dota 2 beta keys and other items in the coming weeks.